Thursday, November 24, 2016

Why Are My Eyes Yellow?

Eyes are the most beautiful and expressive parts of the body. While the healthy eyes glow and glitter with inner health, ill health generally shows in the eyes. Eyes are a reflection of the inner health of an individual. When you are unwell, your eyes are the first parts of the body that start showing signs and symptoms of fatigue and tiredness.

Yellowish tinge of the eyes is a condition known as icterus. Icterus condition only indicates a yellowish tinge in the eyes whereas jaundice is about yellowish discoloration associated with the entire body.

When the white portion of the eyes starts to get a yellowish tinge, it normally indicates jaundice in the body that occurs due to an underlying medical condition in the body. Jaundice is indicated with a discoloration of the skin and an occurrence of a yellowish tinge on the skin and the white portion of the eyes.

The yellow tinge occurs due to high bilirubin levels in the blood stream which is a prime indicator of jaundice. Bilirubin is a waste substance that is yellow in color and is normally found in the bile juice that is secreted by the liver as it breaks down the fats. Here are some of the main reasons that can cause your eyes to turn yellow in color:

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

The white portion of the eyes is called as the sclera, which is covered by a thin clear tissue known as the conjunctiva. This conjunctiva tissue also forms a protective lining inside the eyelids along with a mesh of tiny tin blood vessels. These tiny blood vessels are extremely fragile and delicate and can easily burst or break with the slightest pressure. When due to some kind of pressure these vessels burst, the blood leak out and settles in between the conjunctiva and the sclera. When the leakage is small eyes could just get a tinge of redness whereas when the leak is large enough, the white part of the eyes suddenly appears completely red and can even bulge out in some cases. A subconjunctival hemorrhage normally appears as a bright spot of blood in the eyes. There is no pain caused by this condition and nor does it cause any changes in the vision, but it does cause certain symptoms like itching in the eyes. The itching sensation is often felt as you blink your eyes.  This condition could be caused by any of the following: a serious trauma, coughing with intense pressure, sneezing hard, vomiting, heavy lifting of weights, intensely rubbing your eyes and other eye infections. In some cases this condition is also a warning signal for other medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, bleeding or blood disorders like leukemia and sickle cell disease. In case you have any symptoms associated with this condition it is critical to have your eyes examined by your ophthalmologist examine the hemorrhage to diagnose the cause and rule out any complicated health disorders. The blood spot that is visible in the eyes to the subconjunctival hemorrhage eventually gets reabsorbed by the body. Most of the hemorrhages get resolved within seven days from the occurrence without any major treatment. However a larger subconjunctival hemorrhage, could take about two to three weeks for a complete recovery. The red color will soon turn into a yellowish orange tinge then to pink and finally to white again as the eyes become completely normal. Glycerine or artificial tears could be applied to get rid of the itching feeling.


Hyperbilirubinemia is a medical condition that is characterized by the increased levels of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is a brownish yellow substance that is found in bile which is a chemical substance in the body that helps in breaking down the fats. Bile juice is released into the small intestines when the fats consumed by the body need to get digested. Bilirubin is normally produced as the liver carries out its function and breaks down the old red blood cells. The bilirubin substance is eventually excreted out of the body through the stools, which is what gives the stools its normal brown color. In case of medical conditions when the liver function is affected, it causes an abnormally high number of red blood cells to be broken down which eventually leads to a quick built up of the bilirubin in the body. Liver disease and malfunctions cause bilirubin levels to rise in the body. Extremely high levels of the bilirubin cause the condition which is referred to as jaundice. The jaundice causes an intense yellowing of the skin and eyes. Doctors normally recommend a number of liver function tests that help in diagnosing the actual cause of the jaundice and to rule our liver diseases. As soon as the cause of excessive bilirubin levels is taken care of the yellowing of eyes and skin gets corrected and disappears.  Liver problems are also caused due to serious drug and alcohol abuse which the conditions are often found difficult to treat. Viral infections occurring due to a hepatitis infection are known to be some of the serious causes of a liver disease.


Leptospirosis is an uncommonly seen infection which is caused by a bacterial infection. The bacteria behind this infection are known as leptospira genus. People suffering from this form of infection develop severe yellowing of the eyes. This infection is more commonly seen in warmer climates and in places wherein people are more exposed to water that is infected by animal urine. Persons suffering from leptospirosis form of infection develop symptoms like coughing, soreness of the throat, headache, and pain in the muscles, stomach and swollen lymph nodes. They eventually lead to other conditions like an enlarged spleen or liver. This condition is however curable and is treated as the person is administered antibiotics that the bacteria is found sensitive to. The condition normally cures completely with the medications.

Yellowing of the eyes is normally an indication of an underlying medical condition. To treat the condition completely it is important to understand the actual cause that results in the symptoms and then have the same treated.
 Eyes are the most beautiful and expressive parts of the body. While the healthy eyes glow and glitter with inner health, ill health generally shows in the eyes. Eyes are a reflection of the inner health of an individual. When you are unwell, your eyes are the first parts of the body that start showing signs and symptoms of fatigue and tiredness.

Yellowish tinge of the eyes is a condition known as icterus. Icterus condition only indicates a yellowish tinge in the eyes whereas jaundice is about yellowish discoloration associated with the entire body.

When the white portion of the eyes starts to get a yellowish tinge, it normally indicates jaundice in the body that occurs due to an underlying medical condition in the body. Jaundice is indicated with a discoloration of the skin and an occurrence of a yellowish tinge on the skin and the white portion of the eyes.

The yellow tinge occurs due to high bilirubin levels in the blood stream which is a prime indicator of jaundice. Bilirubin is a waste substance that is yellow in color and is normally found in the bile juice that is secreted by the liver as it breaks down the fats. Here are some of the main reasons that can cause your eyes to turn yellow in color:

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

The white portion of the eyes is called as the sclera, which is covered by a thin clear tissue known as the conjunctiva. This conjunctiva tissue also forms a protective lining inside the eyelids along with a mesh of tiny tin blood vessels. These tiny blood vessels are extremely fragile and delicate and can easily burst or break with the slightest pressure. When due to some kind of pressure these vessels burst, the blood leak out and settles in between the conjunctiva and the sclera. When the leakage is small eyes could just get a tinge of redness whereas when the leak is large enough, the white part of the eyes suddenly appears completely red and can even bulge out in some cases. A subconjunctival hemorrhage normally appears as a bright spot of blood in the eyes. There is no pain caused by this condition and nor does it cause any changes in the vision, but it does cause certain symptoms like itching in the eyes. The itching sensation is often felt as you blink your eyes.  This condition could be caused by any of the following: a serious trauma, coughing with intense pressure, sneezing hard, vomiting, heavy lifting of weights, intensely rubbing your eyes and other eye infections. In some cases this condition is also a warning signal for other medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, bleeding or blood disorders like leukemia and sickle cell disease. In case you have any symptoms associated with this condition it is critical to have your eyes examined by your ophthalmologist examine the hemorrhage to diagnose the cause and rule out any complicated health disorders. The blood spot that is visible in the eyes to the subconjunctival hemorrhage eventually gets reabsorbed by the body. Most of the hemorrhages get resolved within seven days from the occurrence without any major treatment. However a larger subconjunctival hemorrhage, could take about two to three weeks for a complete recovery. The red color will soon turn into a yellowish orange tinge then to pink and finally to white again as the eyes become completely normal. Glycerine or artificial tears could be applied to get rid of the itching feeling.


Hyperbilirubinemia is a medical condition that is characterized by the increased levels of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is a brownish yellow substance that is found in bile which is a chemical substance in the body that helps in breaking down the fats. Bile juice is released into the small intestines when the fats consumed by the body need to get digested. Bilirubin is normally produced as the liver carries out its function and breaks down the old red blood cells. The bilirubin substance is eventually excreted out of the body through the stools, which is what gives the stools its normal brown color. In case of medical conditions when the liver function is affected, it causes an abnormally high number of red blood cells to be broken down which eventually leads to a quick built up of the bilirubin in the body. Liver disease and malfunctions cause bilirubin levels to rise in the body. Extremely high levels of the bilirubin cause the condition which is referred to as jaundice. The jaundice causes an intense yellowing of the skin and eyes. Doctors normally recommend a number of liver function tests that help in diagnosing the actual cause of the jaundice and to rule our liver diseases. As soon as the cause of excessive bilirubin levels is taken care of the yellowing of eyes and skin gets corrected and disappears.  Liver problems are also caused due to serious drug and alcohol abuse which the conditions are often found difficult to treat. Viral infections occurring due to a hepatitis infection are known to be some of the serious causes of a liver disease.


Leptospirosis is an uncommonly seen infection which is caused by a bacterial infection. The bacteria behind this infection are known as leptospira genus. People suffering from this form of infection develop severe yellowing of the eyes. This infection is more commonly seen in warmer climates and in places wherein people are more exposed to water that is infected by animal urine. Persons suffering from leptospirosis form of infection develop symptoms like coughing, soreness of the throat, headache, and pain in the muscles, stomach and swollen lymph nodes. They eventually lead to other conditions like an enlarged spleen or liver. This condition is however curable and is treated as the person is administered antibiotics that the bacteria is found sensitive to. The condition normally cures completely with the medications.

Yellowing of the eyes is normally an indication of an underlying medical condition. To treat the condition completely it is important to understand the actual cause that results in the symptoms and then have the same treated.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dengue Fever : Get the Facts

Dengue Fever is caused by a virus that is transmitted to human beings by mosquitos. Over a million cases are reported worldwide each year with the majority of cases being from Southeast Asia,western Pacific islands, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Alzheimer's Statastics

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder characterized by loss of memory and cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s disease accounts to 60-80% of dementia cases. As the disease progresses, memory loss and intellectual decline worsens, affecting their ability to respond to their immediate environment.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What conditions does Uribel treat?

Uribel is a medication used to relieve certain discomforts like frequent urge to urinate, and spasm in urinary tract on account of infections or intrusive medical procedures. The generic name of Uribel is Methenamine or in some cases, Methylene Blue. Methenamine is an antibiotic while Methylene Blue is an antiseptic. Both prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract.

Usage of Uribel Medication

Uribel can be consumed as follows:
1) Uribel is to be taken 4 times per day, orally.
2) It is recommended to partake of a full glass of water along with Uribel.
3) It is advised to not lie down for at least 10 minutes after consuming the pill.
Dosage usually depends on factors like age, medical history, and current medical condition. Being regular is key for the effects to show. That said, increasing dosage without medical guidance is advised against as this can prove to be hazardous, and will not make a difference to the results observed. Excessive caffeine consumption has also proved to exacerbate side effects. It is recommended to cut down caffeine consumption while on Uribel.

Side Effects Associated with Uribel

Some of the side-effects of Uribel are as follows:
1) Nausea, dryness of mouth, drowsiness, blurred vision, and constipation is some of the things commonly observed. It is important to confess to your medical advisor in case of severity. One is advised to suck on hard candy or consume lots of water, or use a saliva substitute to combat dryness of mouth
2) Urine can turn blue-green. In some cases even the coloration of stool can be blue green. It is generally a harmless side-effect. It usually stops after the medication is discontinued. Patients are asked not to panic upon observing these changes.
3) Some serious side-effects can include flushed, red skin, abnormally reduced perspiration, ache-y eyes, discomfort and difficulty while peeing, or changes in the amount of urine produced. These are indicative of kidney problems and must not be ignored. Approach a doctor immediately if such serious side-effects persist. These side-effects are not always witnessed, as every person is different and reacts different to different medication.
4) Certain side-effects may point to liver related problems. These must also not be neglected. Some of these are, excessive bleeding upon getting a cut, appearance of bruises, tarry stool, stomach ache, vomit that resembles coffee beans, brownish or dark urine, feeling nauseated without provocation, inexplicable exhaustion, as well as yellowing of eyes and skin.
5) Sometimes Uribel can also lead to hypertension or HBP. When untreated, HBP can result into other crises that can be fatal. Get medical help right away. Symptoms like headache, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, stiffness of neck, sore joints, clammy and sweaty skin, problems with vision, photosensitivity etc., are ones to watch out for. Hypertension is not to be ignored.
6) There have been times when Uribel has also recorded a marked increase in secretion of the hormone serotonin. This is a serious condition called serotonin toxicity. Risk can double up if other medication you might be on is also notorious for raising serotonin levels. In such a case, alert your doctor about your predicament. Some of the symptoms are hallucinations, loss of co-ordination, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fever, restlessness.
7) Though rare, it is not impossible to have an allergic reaction to this drug. In this case get help. Any allergic reaction is best not neglected. Watch out for swelling, itchiness, rashes, dizziness, irritable throat and breathing problems.
Be wary of all of these side-effects and more. Contact your doctor, pharmacist or medical advisor if Uribel does not seem to be working for you. 

It is important to observe certain precautions before you start taking this drug indiscriminately. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to any of its ingredients; or to aspirin or NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen); or to belladonna alkaloids (such as atropine, scopolamine); or if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details.

Other problems that must be declared are kidney problems, possible liver trouble, any recent surgeries, coronary problems, pulmonary problems, urinary tract related trouble. Illnesses also need to be declared. High blood pressure, myasthenia gravis, bleeding/clotting problems, certain enzyme deficiencies, aspirin-sensitive asthma, growths in the nose (nasal polyps), stroke, severe/frequent headaches, a certain kind of adrenal gland tumor (pheochromocytoma), dehydration, among others. 

It is also important to get off tobacco and alcohol while you are using Uribel.
This medication is not recommended for use in children younger than 6 years. Children are more sensitive to the side effects of this drug, especially unusual excitement, hot/dry/flushed skin, decreased sweating.

Also make sure you avoid overdosing at all costs. Some of the symptoms of overdosing are fever, fast/pounding heartbeat, severe dizziness, seizures, slowed/shallow breathing, and unusual excitement.

Upon missing a dose, take one as soon as you remember. If you very close to the next one, skip the forgotten one and start anew. Make sure you do not take extra doses with the intention of catching up.

Store Uribel at room temperature away from direct exposure to bright light or sunlight and moisture. Keep the drug in an air tight container. Ensure that it is out of the reach of children and pets. 

Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into a drain unless instructed to do so. Properly discard this product when it is expired or no longer needed. Consult your pharmacist or local waste disposal company.

Finally, it is important to remember that Uribel has its advantages, but like all good things, it is not immune to certain ills. It is important to consult doctors and ask for professional help at every point. Strong drugs can often cause more harm than good. It is therefore imperative to be prudent while on Uribel. Do not accidentally overdose. Do not have a flippant approach towards this drug. And most importantly, do not make the mistake of offering this drug to children without proper medical consultation. 

If all of these instructions are followed Uribel can indeed solve many problems!

What are the various allergic conditions that can be treated with Alavert D

There are various types of allergies that can occur due to various allergens triggering in an individual. Allergic reactions could also differ in nature right from causing skin reactions to breathing issues.

In today's world where dust, pollution and germs have become a part of our natural environment, we are constantly at risk of allergies due to one or more allergens found in our eco system. Have you ever wondered what suddenly triggers an allergic reaction? Well here is the answer. Our immune system performs the most important function of protecting our body from the attacks of various germs, bacteria and viruses that thrive in the environment around us. But, sometimes our immune system suddenly becomes anti certain substances and sends out antibodies against these substances that our body takes in some form or the other. This triggers an allergic reaction. Different people could have various triggers that can cause the allergy to occur. Substances that trigger reverse reactions in people are called as allergens.

An allergic reaction causes our immune system to release antibodies, which are nothing but protein substances that in turn send out messages to the various cells to stop the substance from being a part of our system. The cells of the body then send out a chemical substance called histamine that causes reactions in our blood vessels causing them to expand. This entire process causes allergy to occur. The allergens could cause allergy to one substance and not to another depending upon every individual.

There are various classes of drugs that are recommended by doctors to alleviate the different types of allergic reactions. One such medicine that is often prescribed to treat allergic reactions resulting in a sinus or nasal congestion is Alavert D.

What is Alavert D?

Alavert D is also known by its generic name Loratadine. It has an antihistamine chemical composition that fights with the histamine chemicals released by the body, thereby reducing the affects of allergic reactions in the body. Histamine chemical in the body leads to various symptoms of allergies like sneezing, watering of the eyes, itching sensation and running nose, which are treatable by loratadine or Alavert D.

Loratadine is also effective in treating allergic conditions such as skin hives, itching sensation and various other skin reactions that can be triggered in people. The biggest advantage of Alavert D-12 has the antihistamine formulation which is non drowsy and has a leading decongestant as active ingredients. It is an over the counter medication that is available easily at most drug stores even without a prescription and can be used as a handy drug to relieve allergy symptoms.

Alavert is suitable for use by adults and children who are of 6 years age or older. It is available in a variety of packaging sizes and can be bought as per requirements.

Alavert D also provides relief from symptoms associated with seasonal allergies like watering or itching of the eyes, running nose and sneezing. Pseudoephedrine component in the medication acts as a decongestant that brings about relief from stuffiness of the nose, and improves breathing.

How to use Alavert D

This medicine should be consumed orally or as prescribed by the doctor, generally two times a day with a gap of about 12 hours. Consume the medicine with a glass of water for the medicine to be soluble easily.

This medicine should not crush or chewed as by doing this the entire drug can be released suddenly and all together which can increase the risk of side effects. The tablet should also not be split unless the doctor advices you to only have half the tablet.
Do not increase your dose or take this more often than directed.

What Conditions does Alavert D Treat?

Alavert D is mainly used to treat the following conditions:

Allergic Conjunctivitis, allergic symptoms of cold, allergic inflammation of the Nose, vasomotor Rhinitis, non-Seasonal Allergic Runny Nose, seasonal runny nose, stuffiness of the nose and sneezing.

What are the side effects of this medication?

Although there are no major side effects of this medication, however some common side effects such as dry mouth, mild stomach upset, trouble sleeping, dizziness, headache, nervousness, loss of appetite or thirst may occur.  In case any of the side effects prolong or worsen, immediately inform your treating doctor.

What are the Precautions to be taken?

Before taking this medication, read the entire composition list of the drug and inform your doctor in case you are allergic to any of its components. Also, inform your doctor in case you suffer from any other allergies or medical conditions to avoid any contraindications of the drug. This medication may contain certain inactive ingredients, which could lead to allergic reactions or other problems.

This medication may be harmful when used with certain other medical conditions. Although this medication does not require a prescription, it is best to discuss with your treating doctor before using this disease particularly if you have medical conditions like: urination problems, cardiac or blood vessel related disorders, liver diseases or any other medical condition with a serious tonality.
Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: kidney disease, problems urinating (e.g., enlarged prostate), high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems (e.g., ischemic heart disease), thyroid problems (hyperthyroidism), glaucoma (open angle type).

When consuming this medicine restrict your alcohol intake as it may interfere with the drug and cause serious side effects.

Aged people could be more sensitive to this drug and could experience more side effects compared to others particularly, fast heartbeat, urination problems, sleep trouble, confusion or fatigue. Although this medicine is considered safe in pregnancy, do discuss the associated risks with your doctor. In case you are a nursing mother discuss with your doctor before consuming this medicine. Although this medicine passes through breast it is not known to cause any serious impact to the baby.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Are there specific symptoms associated with diabetes?

One of the most common diseases today, diabetes is a disease in which the blood sugar levels or glucose levels shoot up abnormally. A hormone called insulin is responsible for breaking down the glucose that you get from the food you eat, for absorption by human cells. Diabetes hampers the insulin production of the body.

The lack of insulin in turn results into the excess glucose staying underutilized in blood. This results into type 1 diabetes. If left untreated, type 1 diabetes is known to devolve into type 2 diabetes. The risks associated with type 2 diabetes are many and can also be fatal.

Having too much glucose in blood can lead to several problems. Substantial damage is caused to kidneys, eyes and nerves. As severity increases, you can suffer from heart disease, get prone to strokes, and in certain cases diabetes can lead to severing of a limb.

 Potentially reversible diabetes conditions are called pre-diabetes. This is when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes.

Blood tests can conclusively determine if you have diabetes or not. A1C, a type of test, goes further to determine how you are managing your diabetes. Exercise, healthy diet, weight control and crucial changes in lifestyle are of paramount importance to control diabetes. Timely consumption of prescribed medicines and checks on blood glucose levels as well as monitoring insulin in your body, are some other important things.

How then, will you know when the right time to get a test done for diabetes? There are several symptoms that should set off alarm bells in your head. These symptoms exist for both types 1 and type 2 diabetes. By watching out for, and identifying the symptoms you can catch the disease earlier, thus bringing about the necessary changes in your life.

 With type 2 diabetes however, the warning signs are mild and often go unnoticed. Type 1 diabetes offers severe, long term and noticeable symptoms that are hard to miss. Some of the symptoms of diabetes are as follows.

1) Hunger and Fatigue 

Both types of diabetes have some very specific tell-tale signs.  Insulin is responsible for transferring the glucose received from the food consumed to the cells. This is what gives one energy. Since diabetes hampers insulin secretion, the glucose accumulates in the blood and remains unused by the cells. This in turn keeps you devoid of energy. This can also make you hungry. The lack of energy can make you tired and fatigued.

2) Frequent urination and abnormal thirst

An average person pees about 4 to 7 times in a day. If you however, are suffering from diabetes, chances are you will want to go a lot more often. Under normal circumstances, your body seeps back the glucose from the kidneys. However, during diabetes the blood sugar or in other words, the glucose level in blood is already high. This results into the blood not easily being absorbed back into body. Thus, the kidney produced more fluid to flush out the excess glucose. This makes you want to urinate more often. Needless to say the excessive urination dehydrates you and makes you thirstier than usual.

3) Dry Mouth and Itchy Skin

 you experience an unusually dry mouth apart from the other symptoms, you must go get your blood sugar checked as soon as possible. A concomitant of frequent urination, dehydration causes your mouth to dry out. It also saps your body of moisture, thus making your skin rough and scaly. Such skin can become itchy due to the dryness caused by lack of hydration.

4) Blurred vision

As the fluid levels in your body experience an upheaval and an abrupt change, the lenses in your eyes can swell up. The change of the shape of lenses can cause them to lose the ability to focus effectively. This can result into blurred, unclear vision.

Some symptoms of a progressed type 2 diabetes are-

1) Yeast Infection

Though more common in women, yeast infection can be observed in men suffering from diabetes too. Yeast or fungus feeds on glucose. Increased glucose level therefore makes it thrive and spread. Apart from genitals, yeast infections can also grow on moist and warm spaces on your body, as well as folds of skin, like the gap between fingers, or under breasts.

2) Sores and cuts that don't heal fast

If you notice blood clotting problems, or if your sores and cuts take a very long time to heal, you are probably suffering from diabetes. High glucose levels can damage nerves. Damages nerves can impair the wear and tear of your body, causing it to expend a long time on healing cuts.

3) Pain and numbness in joints

Nerve damage can also cause unbearable pain in your legs and feet.

4) Nausea and vomiting

If you begin to feel increasingly nauseated without provocation and vomit more frequently, you might want to visit your doctor. Your body produces 'ketones' to burn fat. Excessive accumulation of ketones can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis. This can make you feel sick to your stomach. This is a dangerous symptom and needs immediate attention as it can be potentially life threatening if neglected.
No known cure exists for type 1 diabetes and it lasts a lifetime. Patients with type 1 are treated with regular insulin injections, as well as a special diet and exercise. 
Patients with Type 2 diabetes are usually treated with tablets, exercise and a special diet, but sometimes insulin injections are also required. 
If diabetes is not adequately controlled the patient has a significantly higher risk of developing complications. It is therefore important to quit bad habits like smoking, limit alcohol consumption to a great extent, eat a healthy, balanced diet, with a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid junk food and most important of all, exercise regularly and diligently. Making important lifestyle based changes have evinced impressive results and has been recommended by doctors across the globe as an effective supplement to medication.