Monday, October 16, 2017

What Causes Itchy Nipples: Causes and Symptoms

An itchy breast or nipple can seem like an embarrassing problem, but it happens to many people in their lifetime. There are several causes of an itchy breast or nipple, from skin irritation to rarer and more alarming causes, such as breast cancer.


Atopic dermatitis is a common cause of an itchy breast or nipple. This type of dermatitis is also called eczema, which is an inflammation of the skin. While its cause is unknown, atopic dermatitis can cause dry skin, itching, and rash.Certain factors can worsen an itchy breast or nipple, including:
  • artificial fibers
  • cleaners
  • perfumes
  • soaps
  • wool fibers
An itchy breast or nipple causes the urge to scratch at your skin. The discomfort can range from mild to severe, and may be an occasional or constant urge. Scratching can cause the delicate skin to become red, swollen, cracked, or thickened. While scratching may temporarily relieve the urge, it can also damage the skin.

Mastitis is treated with antibiotics. Make sure to take the full treatment course to prevent the infection from coming back. Other steps that can also help reduce mastitis symptoms include:
  • taking over-the-counter pain relievers
  • drinking plenty of fluids
  • resting
Paget disease and breast cancer are treated with a variety of approaches. These include:
  • surgical removal of all or a portion of the breast
  • chemotherapy
  • radiation