Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What is Marfan Syndrome: Risks and Complications

Marfan syndrome is an inherited disorder. It affects our connective tissue, fibers that support your organs and other structures in your body.
Your skeleton, blood vessels, eyes, and heart are the most commonly affected organs in your body if you have Marfan syndrome.
A person who has Marfan syndrome is mostly tall and with thin with disproportioned fingers, toes, legs, and arms.
The damage cause can be mild to moderate to severe and if your blood vessels are affected, it can be fatal.



The symptoms of the Marfan syndrome vary from the members of the family. Some may be fatal depending on the complications that the person is experiencing, but some may only develop mild effects.
Due to aging, it may become worst. The symptoms may include: tall and thin built of the body, disproportion in your arms, fingers, legs, and toes. Crowded teeth and extreme nearsightedness.

A gene defection that makes your body produces a protein that gives connective tissue its strength and elasticity is the main cause of Marfan syndrome. It’s hereditary.
A person who has a Marfan syndrome inherits the abnormality from his parents or other members of the family. There is a 50-50 chance that a child will have Marfan syndrome if one of his parents has the same disorder.