Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Acute Bronchitis Treatment

A chest cold or short-term inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs is known as acute bronchitis.  A cough is the most common symptom of acute bronchitis. There are also other symptoms that involve coughing up mucus, shortness of breath, fever, chest discomfort, and wheezing.  The infection may extend from a week to ten days.

After a few days of having an upper respiratory tract infection such as a cold or the flu, often a person develops acute bronchitis. Sometimes the infection is caused by bacteria. Acute bronchitis also can be caused by smoke inhalation, irritating the bronchial tubes.

Treatments for bronchitis

Certain measures used for conventional treatment of acute bronchitis may consist of plenty of fluids, avoiding smoke or fumes, getting plenty of rest, and potentially receiving a prescription for a defibrillator or cough syrup.

Antibiotics are usually unnecessary in people who have healthy lungs and no chronic health problems

     In most of the cases, the root cause is a virus and administering an antibiotic will not help.
     A phlegm-producing or productive cough may escalate due to acute bronchitis.  This is your body's homeostasis creating balance by expelling excess mucus.
     Your doctor might prescribe a cough suppressant to ease your discomfort.
     Drink lots of liquids and take aspirin or acetaminophen for irritations.
     There is an increased risk of Reye’s syndrome so it is contraindicated to give aspirin to a child
     Because of the clinical improbability differentiating acute bronchitis from pneumonia, the use of serologic markers are used to guide antibiotic usage, and has been proven clinically.
     Unsuitable prescriptions that compromise patient satisfaction or clinical outcomes can be reduced by office-based, point-of-care testing for C-reactive protein levels.
     Expectorants and inhaler medications are not suggested for repetitive use in patients with bronchitis, even though they are commonly used and recommended by physicians or doctors.
      In the treatment of acute bronchitis expectorants are said to be ineffectual.
     Routine use of beta-agonist inhalers in patients with acute bronchitis is not recommended. Results of a Cochrane review do not support using those.
     High-dose, episodic inhaled corticosteroids has a positive effect, however no benefit occurred with low-dose, preventive therapy. 
     The use of oral corticosteroids in patients with acute bronchitis has no evidence to support it.

Smoking represents a unique risk  factor and is very dangerous if continued during the acute bronchitis attack. Studies show that people who’ve quit when in advanced stages of chronic bronchitis and COPD, can lessen the harshness of their symptoms and also increase life expectancy.

Acute bronchitis is more or less like a normal flu or cold. Natural remedies are the best treatment as the body will recover quickly and discomfort will vanish if plenty of fluids are taken. Treatments of Bronchitis are varied, some of which require a doctor’s prescription. Others, you can practice in your home to ensure healthy living habits.

Top 7 Natural Remedies for Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a respiratory condition caused by viruses typically associated with viral attacks, lung injury, pollen allergy, pneumonia and the flu. Sometimes bronchitis can be evidence of a weak immune system. A high level of discomfort is faced by someone suffering from this condition. Nevertheless, it is possible to achieve prompt relief from pain, tingling, choking, congestion, and burning caused by bronchitis.

Hot Shower
     Bronchial cough can be relieved by consuming cough syrup, is a common misconception
     Cough Syrup can obscure or possibly worsen the situation of the inflamed air tubes
  As an alternative, a hot shower can prove widely beneficial for swollen or congested air passages and lungs
     Hot showers provide warmth for the chest, helping relieve associated symptoms

     Steam is an alternative for a hot shower as it works in the  same way
     Provides internal warmth to the respiratory tract
     The stiff mucus is forced becomes viscous by inhaling the hot steam
     The tract becomes flexible and mucus starts running from the nose
     Chest becomes eased and aids expulsion of cough and mucus

Warm Liquid
     Liquids such as tea, soup, and other warm drinks can provide relief
     Warm liquids ease the irritated or swollen throat and bronchial tract
     Decrease swelling, lessens pain, and eases congestion
     It also works as one of the best home remedies for treating symptoms of bronchitis
     Turmeric has antiseptic properties
     It is known to possess analgesic properties as well
     Works against viruses and bacteria that weaken the immune system

     Ginger is  very effective in quelling bronchitis
     Functions similarly to that of turmeric
     Contains gingerols, that work to ease symptoms
     Gingerols are anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial ingredients that variably lessen acute bronchitis.

     Almonds have been known to have a positive effect on symptoms
     Contain minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium
     These minerals strengthen the immune system
     Subsequently this enables the body to fight infections caused by microbes

     Onion juice can reduce the infection and swelling caused by bronchitis.
     Onions contain phlegm-curbing agents and flavonoids

Natural remedies for Bronchitis can work efficiently and are powerful in fighting chronic and acute bronchitis. Nevertheless, any severe symptoms must not be overlooked as they can lead to serious diseases like pneumonia. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Infectious Disease Specialists and Hepatitis: What You Can Expect

If you are experiencing symptoms of hepatitis, you are likely to visit a doctor in the near future. It is advisable to see an infectious disease specialist, and garner a better understanding of the disease all together.

Upon visiting the specialist, the first course of action will be to figure out what part of the body the hepatitis has affected. There are seven known types of hepatitis, usually caused by one of three hepatitis viruses A, B or C. The effects of each virus are different, and identifying the particular type of virus causing the infection will aide in the treatment process.

Know the Symptoms

Upon visiting a specialist, you will gain an understanding of the deteriorating conditions caused by the virus. Other possible causes for symptoms are discovered through testing. There are several instances when hepatitis goes undiagnosed, as the symptoms indicated are mild or may suggest another illness. Blood testing remains the most effective diagnosis process. 

Through testing, the infectious disease specialist can tell whether the symptoms are continuous or occasional. The results will also show the risk factor inherited by symptoms and the severity of your symptoms.
Many known symptoms of hepatitis are 

     Mild fever
     Loss of appetite
     Mild stomach pain
     Loss of taste

Prepare Questions

You can prepare a list of questions you are willing to ask to the specialist, clearing up any confusion you may have surrounding the disease. Make a list of supplements, vitamins and medications you take in order to provide the specialist with more details.  This will help them properly diagnose you.

Pointing out any major life events or situations, can aide the specialist as well.  They can accurately show how much damage has been caused, as well as other complications the virus is responsible for. A liver biopsy might also be necessary to identify the extent of damage in your liver. 

Understand Treatments and Prevention 

A visit with an infectious disease specialist tells you about available treatment and vaccines. There are several precautions that should be taken to prevent further complications. Here are list of some:

     Get vaccinated
     Only eat food under conditions which are clean and hygienic.
     Wash your hands properly and thoroughly after using the bathroom as well as before cooking a meal.
     Make sure to use protection when having sex and most importantly, when practicing anal sex.

Infectious disease specialists also give patients a brief detail about modes of transmitting hepatitis, as to avoid the spread of infection to family members. Keeping in mind your conditions, the specialist will list out benefits every treatment option has, and will decide the most suitable treatment option for you.

Hepatitis is a very complex disease to overcome and a visit with an infectious disease specialist can help ease your mind, as well as inform you on how to manage the infection safely.

6 Effective Natural Remedies For Herpes

Whether it is genital or oral herpes, both are not only painful and embarrassing, but it can also cause life-threatening and serious conditions later in life, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Unfortunately, it has been estimated that over 80% of adults in the United States are suffering from oral herpes. Although there is no particular cure for herpes, there are natural remedies available. If you suffer from a herpes outbreak, you can fix it with some natural remedies. Other than that, adding lysine to your diet, which is found in eggs, potatoes, fish and chicken, may reduce the chances of recurrent breakouts and may speed recovery of your infection. 

Symptoms of Herpes

Most people who have the herpes simplex virus do not experience any kind of symptoms relating to the condition. Symptoms may not appear until months later, and in a few cases, until years later. When first infected, the symptoms may appear four to seven days after you have been exposed to this virus.
·      Primary Infections include open sores around the genitals, small red blisters, vaginal discharge, pain while passing urine, flu-like symptoms, pains, and aches. 

·       Recurrent infections include itching, burning, and a tingling sensation around genitals and other parts of the body. It also includes rectum red blisters around the genitals, buttocks, and thighs. 

Natural Remedies

1.      Ice- This is one effective home remedy for herpes. You can apply ice on the skin that is burning and irritating due to the virus. Wrap ice cubes in a towel and apply it on the affected areas for instant relief. 

2.  Aloe Vera- Another effective home remedy for treating herpes is Aloe Vera. With its healing properties, it can help prevent further outbreaks. 

3.    Baking Soda- This is very useful for eliminating itching and pain. To get effective results, make a thick paste by mixing baking soda and a little water and then apply it directly to the blisters and sores. Leave it for a few minutes and you will experience relief from the burning and itching, and your sores will eventually dry out. For faster healing, apply this paste three times a day.

4.     Neem- For herpes simplex 2, this is herb is extremely helpful. It helps in eradicating the virus from its roots so there will be no possibility of further episodes or outbreaks. Neem is known for its antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that are helpful in curing all kinds of skin disorders and diseases. To get quick  results, boil neem leaves in water for at least 10 minutes and allow it to cool.  Then bathe with the hot water. 

5.     Lemon Balm- With its anti-viral properties, it can combat the virus successfully. It helps in soothing the itching and burning, and also dries out the liquid from the blisters causing it to collapse easily. Boil some lemon balm leaves into a cup of water and then strain it. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink two to three cups daily for efficient results.

6.  Garlic- Garlic is a definite antidote to any disease because of its antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. Just mincing four to five cloves of garlic and swallowing it with a glass of water in the morning can help you. You can also apply a thick paste of garlic on the blisters and sores for faster healing.

Although herpes seems like a devastating condition, there are ways to help treat your symptoms. By trying any of these natural remedies, you are bound to find relief.

Is Lupus Hereditary?

Lupus, also called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), is a chronic immune system disorder in which the body’s immune system produces certain chemicals (auto-antibodies) that act against its own tissues. To date, there is no well-established single cause for lupus. Consequently, no effective treatment providing a complete cure has been discovered. But there are a variety of measures that can be implemented to control the symptoms or prevent damage to vital organs including the brain, kidneys, and lungs. These measures include lifestyle modifications such as healthy diet, assisted aerobic exercises, appropriate use of available medications for disease management, compliance with medication use, and management of long term consequences such as lupus nephritis.

Unknown cause, lack of preventive measure, no known cure, and varied diseases presentations and complications are what make lupus a mystery for researchers everywhere. In essence, lupus is a complex immune disorder. It can plague the patient’s life with its widespread health effects, chronicity, and progressive pattern.

Lupus is thought to have a multifactorial cause and is likely to occur due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. A person who is genetically predisposed to Lupus may develop the disease when geneticabnormalities are fueled by environmental factors.

What do the studies say?

A large number of studies have been carried out in the past in an attempt to fully understand the exact mechanism behind development of lupus, and many more are in progress. Here is a summary of the proposed mechanisms that are thought to cause or contribute to lupus:

     It is generally believed that almost all cases of lupus develop due to genetic changes (mutations) occurring in more than one gene.
     Only very rarely, lupus may be caused by mutations in single genes. Lupus is primarily caused by mutations in the genes that regulate various immune system functions.
     Some of the well-established environmental factors that trigger an abnormal immune response are diet, stress, sunlight, and exposure to viruses or chemicals, including some medications.
     In addition, variations in levels of sex hormones can also act as “trigger” for lupus.
     Lupus may also be triggered by medications. This form of lupus is called “Drug-induced” lupus. One out of ten cases of lupus is thought to occur following exposure to certain medications. Some common lupus-triggering medications are:
1.    Isoniazid
2.    Hydralazine
3.    Procainamide
Some less common medications include:
2.    Chlorpromazine
3.    Methyldopa
4.    Minocycline
5.    Quinidine
     Another theory suggests that remnants of cells that have undergone self-destruction (apoptosis) may release some chemicals which can cause the immune system to respond in an abnormal manner. However, the exact “cause and effect” relationship between the chemicals released by the dead cells and symptoms of lupus is yet to be elaborated.
     Lupus, like other autoimmune diseases is seen to pass from parents to the children, supporting the theory of hereditary transmission of lupus but the inheritance pattern is yet again unclear. 
     It is noticed that abnormal or mutated genes may be passed from parents to their children but the disease itself is not passed directly. The inherited genetic mutation is a risk factor for lupus in the offspring.
     As previously said, the hereditary inheritance pattern of lupus is still a headache for researchers around the world. Scientists have revealed that in rare cases, a child with both the parents carrying mutated genes may develop symptoms of lupus, while neither of the parents have any observable signs of the conditions. This type of inheritance pattern is called Autosomal Recessive Pattern.

What can you do?

Limited information on the cause, prevention and treatment of Lupus should not hold you back from helping someone who has lupus. Though not everything is not clear about this chronic disabling condition, there are many things you can do to improve quality of life, prevent complications, delay episodes of exacerbation and live a normal life. Learn more about Lifestyle and Coping and Lupus Treatment.

Want to know more about lupus? Get expert advice, and specialized treatments from the Best Doctors in your town.