Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Common 8 Sleep Deprivation Symptoms

The loss of sleep is a common problem in modern society, affecting many individuals at some point in their lives. Sleep deprivation occurs when an individual gets less sleep than they should. People vary in how little sleep is needed to be considered sleep-deprived. Some people such as older adults seem to be more resistant to the effects of sleep deprivation, while others, especially children and young adults, are more vulnerable.


Causes of Sleep Deprivation

What usually causes sleep deprivation in adults, and how do these causes differ from those in teens or even children? Research suggests that sleep deficiency is typically due to the following factors:
  • A disorder that disrupts sleep, whether a thyroid disorder, dealing with pain, or something like acid reflux or sleep apnea. Snoring can also disturb sleep.
  • A demanding, busy schedule.
  • High amounts of stress.
  • Effects of certain medications or stimulants.
  • Eating a poor diet that can lead to blood sugar fluctuations.
  • Eating too close to bedtime, or not eating enough with dinner/later in the day (such as if you’re fasting).


The main symptom of ongoing sleep loss is excessive daytime sleepiness, but other symptoms include:
  • yawning
  • moodiness
  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • depressed mood
  • forgetfulness
  • lack of motivation
  • clumsiness
  • reduced sex drive